This utility is used for Taking Backups from the server and removing the extra activity record from the server. 1. Only Last 2 months Data of Activities will maintaned on the server. 2. Only Last 1 year Data of Bookings and DutySlips will be maintaned of the server.
Dear User As you know that the TRAI is keep on leaving tax and surchages on SMS hence SMS cost is increased to 40-50 paisa per SMS for transection routes. We are committed to give the best economical option to our users. So we have making the SMS utility which can Syncronised with you server and send SMS on rates of GMS/CDMA service providers on what ever cheapest rate availble with you.
This utility can be used in case you got off-line and then you can atleast make the booking for and and as soon as your internet is re avaiable it will syncronize the data on server for you